| content roundup #2
march 27, 2016
IBM Chef Watson
The famed natural language-talking, Jeopardy-winning computer has been generating tacos and cocktails at South by Southwest for the past few years. At this site, you can toss a handful of ingredients at "him" and see what combinatory recipes come out - handy and sometimes amusing, though it's kind of just an advanced search for Bon Apetit.
Plenty of Unanswered Questions Remain in the San Bernardino iPhone Case
Nobody really knows what's going on with the whole FBI vs. Apple business. An Israeli tech firm might be involved, or might not be, along with any number of other players in the exploit market. Most confusing of all is the FBI's decision to disavow the need for Apple's help at the last minute before last week's scheduled court hearing.
(Source: NOAA, which is suddenly sporting a really beautiful new design. February's temperatures were literally off the charts; they had to rescale the graph to be able to accommodate the anomaly.)
- Reacting to Reactions
Facebook's set of "reaction emojis" is a brand new way of pressuring humans to behave like algorithmically-compliant machinery.
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Hey Cal, why is there no comments section? Comments sections have a tendency to devolve into nasty little spaces, teeming with spam & ad hominem attacks. I also have a fondness for the 1.0 Web (props to Neocities, powerer of this site). If you'd like to share your thoughts, find me on Twitter or fire off an email. Thanks!